The challenge for the Depratment of Agriculture is to roll out its programme on sustainable community projects and household vegetable gardens but this once again relies on the availability of water. A lot of Local Economic Projects fail because the collection of water become too much and as studies have shown, people will first provide water for household use. The wheelbarrow container can now collect 4 times the volume of water than before, thus making water available for sustainalbe projecs. This product was designed to assis in the challenges that sustainable small scale agriculture fases. This Product will assist groups that are doing community gardens as well as those planting for household use. The fact that this product is available ensures that it will assist in the success of the drive of the Department of Agriculture to improve the quality of life and sustainability of agriculture small scale projects.
Another challenge that our country is addressing is the delivery of houses to all. This as a very succesful program and has changed the life of millions of people, but it has its constraints. The delivery of houses in rural areas when there are no services available right now makes the delivery process more of a challenge. This product was developed taking this into consideration. One of the biggest problems with construction in rural areas is to get water to the actual site of construction. Most of the time the water is collected in any form of container and a lot of water is lost before it even reaches the construction point. With the wheelbarrow container no water is wasted and the team of builders can now have a continuous supply of water resulting in higher levels of participation and much less wasting of material because the flow of water is not enough. This might sound like a very small intervention, but our communities are keen on improving their standard of living but gets disheartened if they do not get assistance in overcoming their problems.
It can be seen from the brief explanation above that the wheelbarrow container can assist in improving the standard of living of our people. No matter how small or how big everyone's contribution is in building a better South Africa, the important aspect is that we need to keep on thinking an participating in finding solutions to our challenges. This is merely one of those small contributions.
For further information or demonstration
Contatct: Irma Meyer
Tel: 0827213161